The Flight times from Canada to New Zealand:
Vancouver to New Zealand Flight Time:
Flights from Vancouver to Auckland with Air New Zealand that fly non-stop take approx 14.5 hours in duration.
Toronto to New Zealand Flight Time:
There are no non-stop flights from Toronto to Auckland. We suggest that you fly to Vancouver or a USA departure point to connect to your international flight.
If you have any questions about Canada to New Zealand flight times then please contact us!
We usually like to plan our own itinerary but with the amount of time we were going to be away and the size of the country, we decided to defer to the experts. We found Gowalkabout online and proceeded to plan an itinerary with Dianne. What really impressed us was her responsiveness to our needs rather than just delivering a cookie cutter plan.
I don't think I can even properly express how much I appreciated your efforts on our behalf