Best Overwater Bungalows in the South Pacific Islands
Ia Orana! This is Dianne, here again, to talk to you about everyone’s favorite topic — the best overwater bungalows in the South Pacific Islands! In my last blog post, I gave an introduction to what they are, how long to stay, what to do, and where to go. This time, I’m letting you in -
What are Overwater Bungalows?
G’day! Today’s post is part one on Overwater Bungalows in the South Pacific… what are overwater bungalows, when is the best time to stay in an overwater bungalow, and much more! We hope you enjoy it! What is an overwater bungalow? Over-water bungalow, floating bure, over-water suite… they have a lot of different names, but -
Hotels in Australia and New Zealand
Twinkle Twinkle little star… Have you ever arrived at your accommodation and been majorly disappointed? “But they said it is a “5 star” … I cannot believe we paid this much for this!” For years, the star rating system has been the bane of every travel agent’s existence. After 34 years in the travel industry, -
Why you should never think twice about using a Travel Specialist!
I have been asked many times over the past 34 years of being in the Travel Industry why people should use a Travel Specialist. Especially now that they can read reviews from other travelers on the internet and do things themselves. Here are a few of my reasons why. 1/ These days everyone thinks they -
What types of seating classes are on flights to the South Pacific?
Hi, again folks. This is Dianne, your travel specialist for Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific Islands. For this blog post, I thought I’d give some info that applies to every single client since every client flies to reach their vacation destination. That question is: what types of seating classes are on flights to -
Tips for choosing flights from Canada and the US to Australia and New Zealand
G’day, As most of you know I am an Aussie and regularly travel home several times per year. I have flown every route there is to get down to the South Pacific, so I think it is safe to safe I am an expert who knows what works and what does not work. Here are