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Tramping and Hiking in New Zealand
G’day, Dianne here. Most folk who visit New Zealand want to do some hiking, walking, or, as the Kiwis call it, “Tramping.”… below I have written about some of the more popular areas of the country to enjoy the fresh air and scenery when tramping and hiking in New Zealand. Most travelers head to New -
Australian Wine Regions
We recently posted a blog about The Best New Zealand Wine Regions, so now it’s time to learn about the wine regions in Australia. For many travelers, wine is one of the biggest reasons they visit Australia. Some see several wine regions, while others want one day among the vines. Either way, it’s essential to -
Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound
G’day, Dianne here from Go Walkabout Travel, your travel expert for Australia and New Zealand. Many of my clients traveling to New Zealand ask me about Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound in New Zealand. They want to know the best way to visit Milford and Doubtful Sound and what unique experiences I recommend. Where is -
Best Golf Courses in New Zealand
Just like in the USA and Canada one of the biggest and most popular sports for locals and tourists in New Zealand is golf! In this blog post, we have listed our favorite best golf courses in New Zealand for international tourists. Below you will find our opinion of the best golf courses in New -
Best Overwater Bungalows in the South Pacific Islands
Ia Orana! This is Dianne, here again, to talk to you about everyone’s favorite topic — the best overwater bungalows in the South Pacific Islands! In my last blog post, I gave an introduction to what they are, how long to stay, what to do, and where to go. This time, I’m letting you in -
What are Overwater Bungalows?
G’day! Today’s post is part one on Overwater Bungalows in the South Pacific… what are overwater bungalows, when is the best time to stay in an overwater bungalow, and much more! We hope you enjoy it! What is an overwater bungalow? Over-water bungalow, floating bure, over-water suite… they have a lot of different names, but -
How to visit the film sites from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit
G’day, this is Dianne at Go WalkAbout Travel, your specialist on all things Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific. Our topic today is How to visit the film sites from the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit we know this will get many film fans excited. As you may already know, the Lord -
Wine Regions in New Zealand
G’day, folks! Dianne here from Go Walkabout Travel, your travel expert for Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific Islands. I recently had a client ask me, “Where do I go wine tasting in New Zealand? What’s the best way to do it?” To answer, I thought I’d write a blog post so that all -
What types of seating classes are on flights to the South Pacific?
Hi, again folks. This is Dianne, your travel specialist for Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific Islands. For this blog post, I thought I’d give some info that applies to every single client since every client flies to reach their vacation destination. That question is: what types of seating classes are on flights to -
The Best Places to Dive in Fiji
Hi folks, Dianne here! I want to talk to you about the best places to dive in Fiji because it’s one of the tropical island getaway’s most popular and spectacular activities. Known as the “Soft Coral Capital of the World,” Fiji has world-class scuba diving amongst colorful reefs with tropical fish and sharks and wrecks.